This ties directly into the audience section you wrote in your positioning. You should know your reader’s pain precisely, because you’ve already told that story once, at least in the abstract. The story or stories in the introduction should dive deep and describe the massive pain the reader is suffering by not taking the advice or business dissertation help lessons in your book. Pain induces action. Hmm. Interesting8230;Tell me more. This introduction has set off the paper with an interesting quote and makes the reader want to continue reading. How has Jefferson8217;s public life differed from his private life? Notice how this introduction also helps frame the paper. Now the reader expects to learn about the duality of Thomas Jefferson8217;s life. Your thesis statement identifies the purpose of your paper. It also helps focus the reader on your central point. An effective thesis establishes a tone and a point of view for a given purpose and audience. Here are some important things to consider when constructing your thesis statement.